This blog is written by Pinky and Rakhee... two chuddie buddies who have been through not only sharing each others diapers as children but have now experienced motherhood together. This is intended for the sole purpose of entertainment and we may well have embellished the truths in some places to protect ourselves from utter humiliation! Its our raw, naked truths about our experiences of all angles of motherhood... enjoy!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The 3 month grace period... by raks

So what exactly happens in those first 3 months anyway?  You go and buy a dozen books on what is happening with your body and throw in a few for the hubby to read for good measure like “The blokes guide to pregnancy”.   I must admit it did give him some good tips – things like what to say to you when you wake him at 5 am screaming at him in anger because you had a dream he cheated on you whilst you were pregnant, or how to never use lines like “darling it’s just your hormones”.  I for one didn’t read a single book or flip through a magazine even.  So you know how hypochondriacs  think that every little sniffle is some kind of cause for major surgery? Well when it comes to contra-indications or for that matter any indications I am the same.  I am sure I would have felt everything that every pregnant woman on the planet ever felt.  And who said that ignorance isn’t bliss?  I did however heed the advice of my doctor even though some of it truly was ridiculous.  Sushi. OK I am not a fan of raw anything let alone smelly fish but tell me what do the millions living in Japan do? Wine.  I mean come on!  The French have been drinking it for years whilst being pregnant – now all you read about is fetal alcohol spectrum disorders. OOOFFFF. 
Then there’s the morning sickness... now don’t hate me ladies but truth be told I didn’t have even a day of it! I mean look I am no stranger to hugging the toilet bowl after one too many cosmo’s on a girls night out but I must confess this constant nausea that you are supposed to feel decided on the heed of some good advice to stay the hell away from me!  Seriously on a regular day I am pretty bitchy.  Yes yes, for those of you reading that know me stop nodding in agreement.  I swear though I had no idea that bitchiness could be taken to heights that would be a match even for Everest.  You know it was like an out of body experience.  I would watch myself completely unravelling at some really stupid thing like Mcdonalds messing up my order (yes I stuffed myself full of junk food!) and it would unleash a hissy fit that cruella de ville would be scared of. Can you imagine the plight of my hubby?  And he said he wanted 4 kids... HA!
There is something that takes over your body apart from the mini penis that draws you to everything baby.  Granted for most women it’s the cooing of a new born as their tiny finger grasps their mothers in recognition, or seeing the father takes his newborn for a stroll in the park.  For me all I could see was some baby spitting up on its mothers pristine white suit, or a newborn screaming in frustration as the new mother tries through some kind of telepathy to work out whether its a burp stuck or a dodgy tummy or colic or hunger or or or...??  It scared the daylights out of me.  I know we are graced with intuition but I know for a fact that God left that gene out of me.  All I could think was how am I going to know?  They (now I preface this by saying I have no clue who “they”are) They tell you it will all come to you naturally.  That I believe is truly one of the greatest lies of all time.  E News! Should have a special on the world’s greatest lies and I promise that would top the list.
Truth be told my first 3 months passed without much of anything... excitement, nervousness, awe, exhilaration. Nothing. Nada.  I just continued working crazy hours in hopes that like any problem if you ignored it long enough it would just go away.  Well I suppose that statement makes it sound like being pregnant was a problem.  It wasn’t.  I just didn’t experience what “they” tell you you will. I didn’t have this hole in my heart that was suddenly filled because I was pregnant, I didn’t have this need to go out and decorate the nursery straight away, I didn’t buy anything for the baby – denial you say? Maybe I’d like to think it was more like I was anaesthetized.  Which means that my reversible loss of sensation would come back in 6 months time as I wake to the sounds of a ear-splitting infant!

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