This blog is written by Pinky and Rakhee... two chuddie buddies who have been through not only sharing each others diapers as children but have now experienced motherhood together. This is intended for the sole purpose of entertainment and we may well have embellished the truths in some places to protect ourselves from utter humiliation! Its our raw, naked truths about our experiences of all angles of motherhood... enjoy!

Friday, January 7, 2011

The First Three Months

Unlike Rakhee, my first three months (each time) were very eventful.
When 'they' (refer to Rakhee's blog to find out who they are) tell you it is morning sickness, lucky for some, it is, for me it was all day, all night, all the time sickness. It was awful. For those of you who don't know what it feels like, allow me to describe it to you the way I explained it to my husband and my brother, it is like a really bad hangover combined with bad food poisoning and this urge to snooze all the time.
In my first pregnancy I craved chillies in vinegar, in my second I hated my husband and with the last pregnancy I did not want to eat a thing - I just needed to suck on ice and I loved orange juice with lots of pulp. On the net 'they' told me to try ginger to help the nausea subside; I tried it in tea, in biscuits and of course in foods, but nothing. In fact, I felt worse! I always had to put something in my mouth just to take away the nausea - so if you saw me eating a sandwich, a chocolate, a sweet, anything, that was why. Pregnant women don't eat more because they are eating for two, they eat more just to help them feel better!

That was just morning sickness. Let me tell you about the mood swings. I did not like people during my pregnancy. I shouted and fought at any given opportunity. I got into shouting matches with matatu touts, to a point where I stopped the car, rolled up my sleeves and told the dude to bring it on. I knew that everyone was wrong and I was right. My husband and my mother bore the brunt of my moodiness oh yes, and the house help. I would wonder why they had resigned after 2 weeks of my ranting and raving and stomping my feet around the house like a tantrumy 10 year old!

If it is not the moods then it is your entire body doing things that you never thought it would do in public. Like bulging and bloating and swelling and perspiring and making noises that it would not otherwise do (it knows better!)

I remember when I was pregnant and I was told that after the first 12 weeks all this would disappear as the body gets used to producing a new being. Of course it is no small task, no wonder you are constantly tired and bizarre things are going on, you are producing a human life, you are bound to feel slightly off. I hate those women who have missed three periods and feel so normal that pregnancy didn't even cross their minds only to find out that they are 4 months into their pregnancy, argh! But like 'they' say, no two women are alike, no two pregnancies are alike - everything varies.

Sorry to be so blatant about it, but I honestly wished someone had told me all the dirty details. Not that it would have stopped me from having a baby, but at least forewarned is forearmed! I would have been better prepared.

Here I am with my baby aged three months, last year this time I was just finding out that I was preggers and to be honest, with all that comes with it, I am so ready to do it again. As 'they' say, the end result is so worth it, I couldn't agree more!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A great read Pinky.I knew I wanted kids, but somehow, I skipped the thought of carrying the baby for 9 months. With my daughter(now 13 yrs) I craved for some greasy sausages from Westlands with porridge together, with my son(10 yrs)I loved the smell of beer so much I used to open a beer for hubby when he got home and have a few sips. I had never drank beer all my life and never have after. One thing that was consistent, was I hated white wine from day one of my pregnancy and for the whole time. White wine is my favorite drink.Pregnancy is like when someone else totally takes over your body, your life and makes it theirs, and you don't seem to have a say. That's what I felt anyway. The reward is great, and hitting the gym after helped me get my body back-ish. Interestingly though with the first pregnancy, it takes ages for it to be visible, with the second one, I looked 5 months pregnant in my first trimester and fought harder at the gym after. I asked myslef the same question as you, "Why didn't anyone tell me especially about the labour pains" Enjoying motherhood now having said all that. Enjoy. Hyacinth