This blog is written by Pinky and Rakhee... two chuddie buddies who have been through not only sharing each others diapers as children but have now experienced motherhood together. This is intended for the sole purpose of entertainment and we may well have embellished the truths in some places to protect ourselves from utter humiliation! Its our raw, naked truths about our experiences of all angles of motherhood... enjoy!

Friday, January 14, 2011

The size of what is coming out of the size of what???!!!! by Pinks

So by the time you are past the 12 week mark you know that baby is safe and that the next three months, also known as the second trimester (not semester as many people I know refer to it as, I know strange folks) are supposed to be a breeze. Even the doctors tell you that after week 12 you are supposed to feel 'normal' again. Let's stop kidding each other, when you are pregnant you NEVER feel normal. In fact, you can kiss feeling normal again goodbye for like ever. I kid you not (pardon the pun!).

Anyway, when I hit week 15 I was still feeling sick, I think I threw up a couple of times and I had that awful metal taste in the back of my mouth. I remember feeling my stomach stretch as baby grew and ouch it hurt! This is the time you are meant to glow and radiate because of all the hormones. This is the time that people compliment you on how fabulous your bump looks and you are supposed to have tons of energy. This is the ideal time to plan for baby - name, choice of delivery, hospital to deliver in (not the Aga Khan Hospital, ask me why and I will inbox you my experience) country to deliver in, nursery theme and decor, etc. In your second trimester (not semester) you are supposed to have it all sorted.

Let's be honest, you probably started thinking of a name when you first found out you were preggers. Also, if you were like me you told everyone who was going to plan your baby shower where it would be held, when it would be held, what the theme would be and who would be invited. If you are anything like me, you started shopping from day one - any opportunity! You shop for yourself, then you shop for baby. You shop for yourself because, if you are anything like me, you have never owned a pair of flat shoes in your life and, well, because the centre of gravity in your body is about to or already has changed, you need to be more stable and not allow yourself to topple over - remember it is ALL about this being you are creating.

The fact of the matter is, as much as you may not show it, all you think about is this baby. You will find out the sex in this trimester (not semester) so that makes shopping and name naming easier. You think about your delivery - epidural, no pain meds, elective C, water birth, etc. You will, as we all do, want your delivery to be life altering and very memorable, you know and feel that you can handle the pain and you know that you will never ever have a C section, come what may. Let me tell you - plan it as much as you want, but whatever happens when baby is ready to come into this world, you will have absolutely NO control over it; that, my lovelies, is gospel truth!

Whatever you go through - vaginal discharge, leaks, swellings, etc - your doctor will comfort you and say it is normal. He will probably prescribe a pregnancy friendly medicine and tell you to relax. Relax is a word you will get used to because everyone will be telling you to 'relax'- you will have to relax no matter what because it is good for the baby. Remember, this is so not about you - it is about the being you are growing!

Anyway, as time passes by you may start walking or swimming as this gives you the strength to labour. You may opt for the lamaze classes. You may hire a doula, you may fly to Dubai to shop for the nursery. You may just go on holiday to the coast to, you know, 'relax'. Whatever you do, wherever you are and if you are going natural - don't think about a three point something kilo anything coming out of something as large as a keyhole, because if you focus on that, then you know you are going to want the being you are creating to set up camp right there in your uterus for as long as possible and send you pictures of his/her growth and development via facebook because the size of what coming out of the size of that, as often as it happens, is still inconceivably incredible and a little bit kooky!

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